10th A.Y.S. Parisutha Nadar Centenary Memorial Lecture & Award Ceremony

Home Events - Gnanam School of Business | MBA A.Y.S.P Centenary Memorial Lecture 10th A.Y.S. Parisutha Nadar Centenary Memorial Lecture & Award Ceremony

10th A.Y.S. Parisutha Nadar Centenary Memorial Lecture & Award Ceremony

A.Y.S Parisutha Nadar Centenary Foundation is a Public Charities Trust, established in 2007 which is aimed to render community services and also to provide education by establishing educational institutions. Currently it runs the stand-alone management institution “Gnanam School of Business (GSB)” which offers 2 years full time MBA residential programme affiliated to Anna University and approved by AICTE.  GSB offers quality management education to the students from across the country.

The event “10th AYS Parisutha Nadar Centenary Memorial Lecture” was organized by AYS Parisutha Nadar Centenary Foundation, Thanjavur Sengipatti on 15th March, 2024 at 4.00 pm in the Gnanam School of Business premises.

Dr. S.P.S. Aruldoss, CEO, Gnanam School of Business (GSB) welcomed the gathering and S. P. Selvaraj, Chairman- GSB presided over the event.

Shri.S. Peter Alphonse, Former M.P & Chairman, State Minority commission, Govt
of Tamil Nadu was the honourable chief guest and delivered the “10th AYS
Parisutha Nadar Centenary Memorial Lecture” to the gathering.

Thiru.S. P. Selvaraj, Chairman, Gnanam School of Business (GSB) honoured the chief
guest, Shri. S. Peter Alphonse, with shawl and memento.

Thiru. P.Ponnudurai, Founder & Chairman Lion Dates Impex pvt Ltd. participated in
the event as a ‘Guest of Honour’ and was awarded” Shri .A.Y.S. Parisutha Nadar
Award” for his remarkable contribution in the business world.

Dr.S.P.S. Aruldoss, CEO, Gnanam School of Business (GSB) honoured the guest of
honour Thiru P.Ponnudurai, with shawl and memento.

More than 500 number of delegates participated in the program including the members from Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCI), Thanjavur, Faculty members and students from Gnanam School of Business and other higher educational institutions in around Trichy and Thanjavur district participated in this event.

Finally, Mr. S. Saravanan, Assistant Professor, GSB delivered the vote of thanks. 

Local Time

  • Timezone: America/New_York
  • Date: Mar 15 2024
  • Time: 6:30 AM - 8:30 AM
  • Chief Guest::

    Chief Guest
    Shri. S. Peter Alphonse,Ex-MP
    Chairman - State Minorities Commission,Goverment of Tamil Nadu.

    Chief Guest & Award Designate
    Shri. P. Ponnudurai.
    Founder & Chairman, Lion Dates Impex Private Limited.

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