Internal Complaints Committee

Internal Complaints Committee (ICC)

The Gnanam School of Business has established an Internal Complaints Committee (ICC) to ensure a healthy, safe, and respectful environment for students and employees. Committed to empowering women, the institution enforces a zero-tolerance policy towards any form of sexual harassment. Any student or staff member experiencing discomfort or harassment is encouraged to approach the committee directly for support and resolution.

Sexual harassment is a serious violation of an individual’s right to work and live with dignity. The institution is dedicated to maintaining the utmost confidentiality and privacy for all parties involved, including both the complainant and the accused, throughout the investigation process. Additionally, measures are in place to ensure that complainants, witnesses, and the accused are protected from victimization or discrimination during and after the inquiry. The Gnanam School of Business remains steadfast in fostering an environment built on respect, equality, and safety for all.


The objectives of the Internal Complaints Committee are as follows:

  1. To establish a permanent and effective mechanism for preventing and addressing cases of sexual harassment and other forms of gender-based violence within the institution.
  2. To ensure the thorough implementation of the policy, adhering to its principles through proper reporting, investigation, and follow-up of complaints.
  3. To reaffirm the institution’s commitment to creating and maintaining an environment free from gender-based discrimination.
  4. To foster a socially and psychologically supportive environment that raises awareness about sexual harassment in all its forms.


  1. The Internal Complaints Committee operates in strict accordance with the provisions of the Sexual Harassment of Women at the Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition, and Redressal) Act, 2013, and the UGC Regulations on Anti-Sexual Harassment (2015), ensuring compliance with legal and institutional standards.
  2. The Committee is responsible for receiving and addressing complaints of sexual harassment, conducting a fair and impartial inquiry, and providing its recommendations to the management for appropriate action.
  3. Beyond complaint redressal, the Committee actively engages in creating a safe and informed environment by disseminating information, organizing awareness workshops for all stakeholders, and offering counselling support in sensitive cases.

Process for Filing and Inquiry of Complaints

Step I: An aggrieved woman employee or student can directly approach the Internal Complaints Committee (ICC) to report any incident of sexual harassment.

Step II: The complaint must be submitted in written form, either in person, via email, or through the online complaint form. It should be addressed to the ICC for further action.

Step III: Upon receiving the complaint, the ICC will initiate an inquiry in accordance with the applicable service rules, or in their absence, as per the provisions outlined in the Act. The inquiry process will be completed within 30 days, and a detailed inquiry report will be prepared and submitted within 10 days of the inquiry’s conclusion.

Step IV: If the ICC concludes that the allegations against the respondent are substantiated, it will submit its findings and recommendations to the Director for appropriate action. This action will align with the applicable service rules or, where such rules do not exist, with the rules framed under the Act.

Step V: The college management will implement the recommendations of the ICC within 10 days of receiving the inquiry report to ensure timely resolution and justice.

Step VI: All complaints and proceedings related to the inquiry are handled with strict confidentiality to protect the privacy of all parties involved.

The link for online complaints :

Email for registering Complaint:

List of Committee Members

S. No. Name Position Contact Number Email
1 Dr. S. Christina Sheela Presiding Officer 9585881102
2 Dr. M. Chithra Faculty Member 8008900073
3 K. Dheepa Non-Teaching Staff Member 8248875668
4 Mr. Mahendran Non-Teaching Staff Member 8807530708
5 Mrs. Vasanthi Women Residence, Warden 8508052415
6 Mr. R. Thirugnanasambandam Men residence, Warden 9790607423
7 Mr. S. Sibi Sadaiappan Student Member 8220822044
8 Ms. R. Subasri Student Member (Girl) 9677508615
9 Ms. Suvetha Sri Student Member (Girl) 9791795303
10 Y. Joseph Pandian, Civilian / NGO 9443007795