
Internal Complaints Committee (ICC)

Gnanam School of Business has established an Internal Complaints Committee (ICC) to ensure a healthy, safe, and respectful environment for students and employees. Committed to empowering women, the institution enforces a zero-tolerance policy towards sexual harassment. Any student or staff member experiencing discomfort or harassment should approach the committee directly for support and resolution.

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As per the UGC guidelines (Gazette notification CG-DL-E-11042023-245095 dt 11 April 2023), a Student Grievance Redressal Committee (SGRC) has been constituted at Gnanam School of Business, Thanjavur. It aims to look into the complaints lodged by any student and redress them as per requirement. Students can reach out to SGRC with their grievances, if any, regarding academic matters related to their study on campus.

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